Monday, February 29, 2016

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Which Whitening Soap Is Right For You? Kojic Acid, Glutathione Or Arbutin?

Whitening soap comp
arison: should I use Glutathione, Kojic or Arbutin soap? Well, there are a few factors to consider when it comes to choosing the right skin whitening soap. I’ll help you find the best one for you.
1. Skin Type – Do you have a normal, sensitive or combination skin?
Normal – Glutathione, Kojic and Arbutin. Individuals who have normal skin can basically use all three soaps because of the fact that their skin isn’t picky. Leave the whitening soap for about 2-3 minutes then exfoliate using a sponge/loofah for best results. Skin whitening soaps have the tendency to make your skin dry so please use either lotion or cream after using the soap.
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Sensitive – Arbutin or Kojic soap are your two options. Arbutin is gentle yet powerful when it comes to skin whitening. Kojic Acid soap is very strong, however, it can be used by people who have sensitive skin but with extreme caution. I strongly encourage you to use for only 30 seconds or up to 1 minute max. In addition, start using the kojic soap maybe 2-3 times a week as a starter before using it everyday to get your skin used to it. Both of these whitening soaps will dry your skin so to be on the safe side, use a heavy lotion or cream after using it.
Combination –  You can use all three skin whitening soaps with moderation. This skin type is the combination of normal and sensitive skin. I would suggest to use the soaps between 30 seconds to 1 minute.
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Note: For best results, exfoliate using a sponge or loofah after leaving the soap on your skin (see timeframes listed above). Exfoliation is one of the things that you have to do in order to remove the dead skin cells so that the ingredients can deeply penetrate your skin. This will produce a much faster result. In addition, either use a heavy lotion or cream to moisturize your skin as skin whitening soaps have the tendency to give you that “ashy skin” look. Also, if you want to lighten your skin tone, then use a skin whitening cream or lotion to achieve better results.
2. What is your skin problem/concern? Always ask yourself what exactly you’re trying to achieve.
I want to lighten my skin – Kojic soap is number one when it comes to skin lightening, followed by Glutathione then Arbutin.
I have skin blemishes that I want to get rid of and lighten my skin at the same time – Glutathione and Kojic soaps are tied on this one. The reason being is because both are good exfoliators. They both have ingredients that microexfoliates the skin to remove the dead skin cells to reveal a clearer, brighter and lighter skin. After exfoliation, it deeply penetrates the skin to lighten it and to prevent melanin (dark pigment) from coming back.
3. Where should you buy the product or which brand should you buy?
As everyone knows, there are numerous brands of whitening soaps out there. But really, how do you know which one should you purchase? Well, let’s take a look.
1. Should I buy an unlabeled/unbranded skin whitening soap?
I would say no
. Why? It’s because you don’t know exactly what’s in it.
What do you think is the reason why it’s unlabeled? Could it be because there are ingredients on the product that the manufacturer doesn’t want you to know about? Possibly.
Could it be harmful and cause damage to your skin? More than likely. If the soap damages your skin, the only way to correct it is to go to a dermatologist. But the problem is, it’s going to cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars just to cure your skin problem. Who would want to go through that?
How come it doesn’t have any contact info of the manufacturer who made it? It’s because they don’t want you to come after them if something happens to your skin. Of course, they don’t want to be liable for it and this is why you don’t see any of their information on the soap.
2. Which brand should I buy?
There are alot of legitimate companies out there that make skin whitening products like Max care, ggluta white Stalder, Skinwhite, , etc. You can go online to find where you can purchase these products. However, please make sure that you are buying an authentic product. These products are very popular and there are thousands of fake products surrounding the market right now. Try to go to the official site of these companies to find an authorized distributor in your area.
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